Directions to Denali Bluffs Hotel
Finding your way to Denali Bluffs Hotel is as easy as it is rewarding. Review more information on transportation by way of:
- Car or personal vehicle
- Train
- Coach

By Car or Personal Vehicle
If you are driving to the Denali Bluffs Hotel, follow these directions.
- From Anchorage:
- Drive north on the Glenn Highway (AK-1).
- Take the interchange north on the Parks Highway (AK-3). At mile 238, turn right onto Bluffs Road to the Denali Bluffs Hotel.
- From Fairbanks:
- Drive south on the Parks Highway.
- At mile 238, turn left onto Bluffs Road to the Denali Bluffs Hotel.
By Train
The Alaska Railroad provides daily service between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Our shuttle will pick you up from or deliver you to the train station.
- Southbound Train:
- Departs Fairbanks at 8:20 AM., arrives in Denali Park at 12:10 PM, and continues on to Anchorage arriving at 8:00 p.m.
- Northbound Train:
- Departs Anchorage at 8:20 AM, arrives in Denali Park at 3:55 PM., and continues on to Fairbanks arriving at 8:00 p.m.

By Coach Bus
Transportation between Fairbanks, Denali Park, and Anchorage is available from these providers:
- Parks Connection: a shuttle service offering daily connections.